
Kloveniersburgwal 20, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Distances from Attractions:

At Rosalia’s Menagerie, you're never far from the best spots in Amsterdam. Our central location in the old city makes for a great start off point for some serious city seeing.

• 30 minutes walk to the Rijkmuseum

• 35 minutes walk to the Van Gogh Museum

• 20 minutes by transport to the RAI Convention Center

• 10 minutes walk to the Anne Frank House

• 15 minutes walk to the 9-Steets District

Distances from the Hotel

Rosalia's Menagerie is located in the city center and can eacily be reached by transport.

• 25 minutes from Schipol International Airport by Taxi

• 35 minutes from Schipol International Airport by Train

• 10 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station by walking